Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today Sucks....

I woke up this morning, not really sure if I actually slept at all, and I went to get my miserable congested baby. She looked up at me and smiled and even though I had a rather rough night I could not help it I just smiled right back at her. I picked her up and she gave me the biggest hug ever. That is what makes getting up worth it. As my morning continued she became really hard to take care of while I was getting ready for work. I barely got a shower in... Then I remembered that today was a day that I was supposed to look really nice for work because some important people were going to be there. Oh dear....... I headed to my closet with my crying baby on my hip and a few tears came to my eyes too. The dreaded "what to wear" dilemma officially hit me like a ton of bricks. I pulled out what I had and closed my eyes and put it on. I decided not to look in the mirror (It just felt better that way) and I continued with doing my hair and feeding the munchkin.

Right before I left the house I decided to do it... The dreaded task... I looked in the mirror. I almost cried again but Addy looked up at me and smiled so here I go. On my way to work with the approval of my 7 1/2 month old. I got in the car and drove down to Megan's house. As she came out of her door I looked yet again down and my, uh we will call it an outfit, and sighed. As soon as she got in the car I asked her, "Megan, do I look like a Cowgirl???? Emphasis on on COW?" She just laughed at me. She said that I looked fine and that she liked my shirt. (She did not have a chance to look at my pants yet that is saved for when we get out of the car) We drove over to pick up Chris and as my big brother he just had to get in and right away look at my shirt. Although he did say that it looked really nice. I stared down yet again and sighed. When we got to work I stepped out of the car and did not want to walk around to the side where Chris and Megan were. I saw my reflection in my car and thought to myself... Well damn this is what I look like when I try. I am a loser. The walk to my office all I could do is try to hurry so that people would not see my pants. I just could not take it I got to the door and yet again looked at my reflection and saw head to toe. With my stripy button up shirt and my high water dress pants I opened the door. I was met only with complements. I tried to accept them with a smile on my face but I am pretty sure that I was not fooling anyone. I walked into my office and sat down. I pretty much did not want to move the rest of the day. Cemented to my seat I decided that I should maybe think about buying some new clothes. I really need it. So here goes I will start collecting some nice new clothes so that I do not feel like a frumpy cowgirl who has to get socks that go up to my knees to wear my only pair of dress pants that fit.

Wish me luck!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Working out at work.......

Ok so at work myself, Megan, and Amandah have the most interesting collection of exercise equipment.... We have anything from little 3 lb weights to an exercise ball that Amandah nicknamed "Dr. Manhattan". The newest addition to the exercise equipment family is the item that I purchased today... Ready for it..... A shaker weight that has received many nicknames in its short life here in the office, none of which are appropriate to put in this blog hehe. On the other hand it is quite the amazing little tool... Amandah stop laughing! Ok so anyway it really does give your arms quite the workout. Because of how this little weight works it makes it very difficult to talk about it without sounding very dirty. As Amandah says, "We are all dirty monkeys". Even the most innocent thing that I will try to say about it--- It just comes out so wrong including the face that I apparently make while I am using it... Therefore it makes it very difficult to write about because my readers have all seen this "little tool" in action lol.. OK I give up. I will have to write about somethng more wholesome tomorrow.... For now I will go sit in the closet of shame........

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ah another day in Paradise!!! Today pretty much feels like 3rd Monday. As swell as Monday's can be at work they are pretty umm well should we say off...

At home on the other hand- Addy crawled today!!!!! I was so excited that I was actually home for it. I have been stressing about the fact that I work and I would miss all her firsts. But to my surprise I have been there for every first so far. The first time she rolled over. The first time she really laughed. The first time that she crawled. I just hope that I can be there for the first time that she walks. My little monkey is just growing up so fast. There seems to be nothing that I can do about it so I am just trying to keep up as well as I can.

On another note this week we brought my little dog Sid back inside. He has been enjoying the backyard all summer. He seems to be alright with the little intruder that seems to have taken over his territory. Although he is pretty scared of her. I actually had to stop her from biting Sid yesterday. haha... They are so much fun though. I can't wait until she is crawling around chasing him. That will most definitely call for the video camera!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Venture

I have decided that I really want to have a blog of my own. I daily look at my friends blogs and I am envious. So... Here goes!

To introduce my family there is me-----

Then there is my baby =) Addison

This is the Dad of the cute baby above.... Brent.

He is such a good Daddy! His little girl just adores him so much. They get along all to well.
----- Well until next time!